Peter Matthew – Your Psychic Medium


Peter Matthew is a ‘Psychic Medium , he was ordained a spiritual minister in 2013. Peter also does spiritual healing & trance healing, which he is very passionate about. ‘Psychic Medium’ is a ‘sensitive’, meaning an individual who is sensitive to spirit energy & presence. Psychic Mediumship is a deeply ‘spiritual’ practice. Often misunderstood & viewed in a skeptic light (& for good reason in many instances), it’s important to be clear on what ‘Psychic Mediumship’ is & is not, so a person can decide if this spiritual practice is for them

Peter is an individual who can ‘mediate’ between our world & the spirit world. He can ‘tune in’ to a different ‘energy’ to which a person has passed to in spirit. Often spirits wish to pass messages, encouragement & healing onto family members, friends or acquaintance. Spirit energy is different to ours & they often seek out & use a ‘Psychic Medium’ to help communicate. They need an ‘open channel’.

Peter is honoured to be a conduit to the Spirit world. He has endeavoured to ensure that he continues to develop his own skill & spirituality. He has had the privilege of experiencing the Arthur Findlay College, ‘The Worlds Foremost College for the Advancement of Spiritualism and Psychic Sciences’, in the UK & is a member of the SNU (Spiritualists National Union) in Ireland.

With the explosion in interest in recent years in all things Spiritual, Mysticism, Angels, Reiki, Energy Healing & many other Spiritual ideologies, interest in connecting with Spirit has become a very popular & necessary pursuit for many people trying to reconnect with their own inner spirit & guidance. Sometimes we need a little help! Peter offers this facility in a safe, authentic & healing manner.

Peter’s mission is to present this deeply Spiritual Practice in a fresh & personal way that dispels outdated scepticism (although questions should always be asked) & negative publicity that follows Spiritual practices like Psychic Mediumship. Since Peter has had the opportunity now to pursue his own gift with freedom he wishes to help others develop in Spirit & all that encompasses. He devotes his life to helping others in what ever way he can from messages from loved ones ,spiritual healing,spiritual coaching,spiritual counselling (all things spiritual)in recent years Peter has worked in many countries sharing his gifts with many along the way ,serving spiritual churches and teaching .he also demonstrates in public venues to large audiences.peter has appeared in several public forums .As of late Peter has spent a lot of time reading for clients all over the world through zoom . Begin your Spiritual Journey today with Peter Matthew.

Book a reading with Peter


30 Minute

Book now for €74.00


45 Minute

Book now for €88.00


1 Hour

Book now for €120.00

Book Skype & Zoom sittings with Peter

45 Minute & 1 Hour

Book now from €85.00

6 Of The Most Frequently Asked Questions Answered

1- Does Peter do one-to-one readings?– Yes

2- Is Peter a psychic?– Yes. He is a psychic medium, all mediums are psychic but not all psychics are mediums.

3- Zoom and WhatsApp reading available? Yes

4- What is the waiting time for a reading?– At present about 60 days but emergencies always looked after.

5- Can we book a home visit with peter?– Yes, Peter travels all over Ireland and will do a house visit for 5 or more readings.

6- Is Peter a fortune teller?– No, Peter is not a fortune teller.

Clients Speak

Peter, Thank you so much for your help this week. You have an amazing gift. Without me saying anything you were able to tell me what was wrong and you helped me to ease a lot of the hurt and sadness that I have been carrying since the loss of two very important people in my life. You helped me gain some clarity about the next step I have to take and for that I am eternally grateful. I know I will be seeing you again in the future. Until then I wish you and your family every health and happiness!

Lisa Co. Cork

Thank you so much, Nic really enjoyed her session today. She has heard from me and various healer friends of mine of what you told her today, but she so did not want to know it until now. She has so much more of an understanding about herself and her gift. She has never been so open in front of me about things that happen for her so I guess it has opened up a whole new journey for us together which is wonderful. We talked about it on the way home. Thanks again so much, it has taken me a long time to come to this day with Nic and I always knew it would happen when the time was right and the right person was put in her path.


I had a meeting with you in north Cork and just wanted to say that I found it amazing and I have drawn so much strength from all we spoke about. You put me totally at ease and gave me such a calming feeling and I am so glad that this happened at that particular time in my life. Your reading for me was truly welcome and I know it is what each individual may take from it, but for me each and everything we spoke about held so much significance in my life. I wanted to thank you for giving me so much strength and feeling of good will as I felt surrounded by a lot of negativity in my life.

Peter. Paula, North Cork

To see more pictures of an amazing weekend with James Van Praagh, Tony Stockwell, Mavis Pittilla & Lynn Probert hosted by Peter Matthew, click here.

Check out up coming Workshops & Events with Peter

Our Blog

13 Apr2012


Photos from the Psychic and Medium Workshop with Peter Matthew and Simone Key 16th-18th March 2012 at K2C Centre, North Point Business Park, Mallow Road, Cork.

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30 Nov2011


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